First night in Bluff, NZ- where there is this famous signpost...

It really is a beauty of a town on the southern tip of the South Island...

Deep South Ice Cream... a different Deep South than what I am familiar with back home..

Then it was on to Stewart Island, a land of only 400 people, home of the Southernmpst cup of cappuccino, and the only drinking water available is their own rainwater. Pretty magic.

Oh yeah, and home of Fern Gully!

And supposedly Kiwis, but I didn't see one!

And decadent deserts on the South Sea!

On the shore of Oban, Stewart Island...

Then, back to the South Island for a day, so I hopped in a rental car and visited the Catlins!
Petrified Forest, breeding grounds of the yellow eyed pengiuins! I actually saw a penguin there, but didn't capture it on film! Oh well...

Here's me at the official "Southernmost tip of the South Island, NZ" pretty stunning...

Here is the stretch of walk through farmland to get there:

New Zealand is dope. Lots of things there are just free and accessible to anyone who wants to go. Its a pretty fantastic way of life.

I went to: Bluff, Invercargill, Stewart Island and the Catlins...
:) love it.