I put on my bow, my PNKC dress for good vibes, and my new tutu... and its Gaga time...

It started with a shadow-

And in no exact order.... the crazy costumes began... I only have a few pics and they do absolutely NO justice for the show, but hey its a peek! Here she is in a full on costume that resembled a flat mop:

You can see her piano starting to burn as she played 2 ballads and sang her heart out...
Giant monster puppet- looked like one of those deep sea fishes with spider legs that her dancers moved around!!

Here she plays what looks like a wacky 80s guitar, buts its actually a keyboard set to a guitar sound!!!

Gaga in the crowd on a catwalk...

This was an animatronic dress that moved and she rose up on this platform- great view for the crowd...

This is the monsterball costume that looks like orbiting rings around Gaga